sweet talkin’

just because they’re a ‘linkedin influencer’

… doesn’t mean they’re good at their job.

now, hear me out.

we're engrained in a little bubble where your personal brand is your most important asset

it can help land a new job within a day
it can help you become a trusted advisor
it can skyrocket your career through consistency
... without actually having to backup the work that you did.

with layoffs running rampant, the 'open to work' pool's larger than ever

i'm seeing people post in protest of certain individuals getting laid off
creating bands of armies around singular people when in reality?

there are 1,000s of people with quieter voices that could have more to show than the loud voices we all see on here every day.

do your research on 'linkedin influencers'
do they have the skills to back it up?
have they truly DONE the work?

let's not forget to give other people chances that are quietly working hard to get to where they want to be — they matter just as much.


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